

Jingjun Xu Professor


Tel: 022-88358596

Email: [email protected]

Office Location: Nankai Bolin Blds.201


  • Gender: male
  • Department:
  • Tel: 022-88358596
  • Address: Weijin Road 94




Jingjun Xu, PhD, is professor of physics at Nankai University. He is also executive vice president of the University and the founding director of the Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Weak-Light Nonlinear Photonics. WELCOME to //www.researchgate.net/profile/Jingjun_Xu3

Research Fields

Condensed Matter Photonics


Prof Xu has been studying on the condensed-matter nonlinear optics and its applications since 1989. 

He has won over 10 scientific and technological awards including the National Natural Science Award, co-authored over 600 academic papers and 6 books,  and has been granted over 60 invention patents.

WELCOME to //www.researchgate.net/profile/Jingjun_Xu3

List of selected publications2019-

  (updated on 2024.10.10)


1. Hu Z., Bongiovanni D., Wang Z., Wang X., Song D., Xu J., Morandotti R., Buljan H., Chen Z.Topological orbital angular momentum extraction and twofold protection of vortex transport(2024) Nature Photonics

2. Zhang P., Zhao X., Jia Z., Dong J., Liang T., Liu Y., Cheng Q., Ding L., Wu L., Peng D., Kong Y., Zhang Y., Xu J.High Defect Tolerance Breaking the Design Limitation of Full-Spectrum Multimodal Luminescence Materials(2024) Advanced Materials

3.Hao Z., Wu X., Luo Q., Li Z., Ma R., Bo F., Gao F., Zhang G., Xu J.Efficient second and third harmonic generation in dual-layer lithium niobate microdisk resonator(2024) Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 67 (5), art. no. 254211

4.He Z., Qu L., Wu W., Liu J., Jin C., Wang C., You J., Liu W., Bai L., Gu Z., Cai W., Ren M., Xu J.Electro-optically Modulated Nonlinear Metasurfaces(2024) Nano Letters, 24 (45), pp. 14215 - 14221

5. Lei S., Xia S., Song D., Xu J., Buljan H., Chen Z.Optical vortex ladder via Sisyphus pumping of Pseudospin(2024) Nature Communications , 15 (1), art. no. 7693

6.Huang Y., Lu Y., Li W., Xu X., Jiang X., Ma R., Chen L., Ruan N., Wu Q., Xu J.Giant Kerr nonlinearity of terahertz waves mediated by stimulated phonon polaritons in a microcavity chip(2024) Light: Science and Applications, 13 (1), art. no. 212

7. Zhang Y., Bongiovanni D., Wang Z., Wang X., Xia S., Hu Z., Song D., Jukić D., Xu J., Morandotti R., Buljan H., Chen Z.Realization of photonic p-orbital higher-order topological insulators(2023) eLight, 3 (1), art. no. 5

8. Zhang P., Guo Q., Wu H., Gong Z., Nie B., Hu Y., Chen Z., Xu J.Equilibrium Dynamics of Mutually Confined Waves with Signed Analogous Masses(2023) Physical Review Letters, 131 (8), art. no. 087201

9. Xia S., Liang Y., Tang L., Song D., Xu J., Chen Z.Photonic Realization of a Generic Type of Graphene Edge States Exhibiting Topological Flat Band(2023) Physical Review Letters, 131 (1), art. no. 013804

10. Qu L., Gu Z., Li C., Qin Y., Zhang Y., Zhang D., Zhao J., Liu Q., Jin C., Wang L., Wu W., Cai W., Liu H., Ren M., Xu J.Bright Second Harmonic Emission from Photonic Crystal Vertical Cavity(2023) Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (47), art. no. 2308484

11. Li H., Yin S., He H., Xu J., Alù A., Shapiro B.Stationary Charge Radiation in Anisotropic Photonic Time Crystals(2023) Physical Review Letters, 130 (9), art. no. 093803

12. Hu F., Zhu D., Dong H., Zhang P., Xing F., Li W., Yan R., Zhou J., Xu K., Pan L., Xu J.Super-resolution microscopy reveals nanoscale architecture and regulation of podosome clusters in primary macrophages,(2022) iScience, 25 (12), art. no. 105514

13. Lu Y., Wu Q., Xiong H., Zhou X., Li Z., Qi J., Xu X., Ma R., Fan J., Chen Z., Xu J.Lightmatter interaction beyond BornOppenheimer approximation mediated by stimulated phonon polaritons(2022) Communications Physics, 5 (1), art. no. 299

14. Wang J., Xia S., Wang R., Ma R., Lu Y., Zhang X., Song D., Wu Q., Morandotti R., Xu J., Chen Z.Topologically tuned terahertz confinement in a nonlinear photonic chip(2022) Light: Science and Applications, 11 (1), art. no. 152

15. Zhu Z., Zhang D., Xie F., Ma J., Chen J., Gong S., Wu W., Cai W., Zhang X., Ren M., Xu J.Nonlinear polarization imaging by parametric upconversion(2022) Optica, 9 (11), pp. 1297 - 1302

16. Qu L., Bai L., Jin C., Liu Q., Wu W., Gao B., Li J., Cai W., Ren M., Xu J.Giant Second Harmonic Generation from Membrane Metasurfaces(2022) Nano Letters, 22 (23), pp. 9652 - 9657

17. Ren M., Xu J.,Intelligent metasurfaces can recognize objects,(2022) Light: Science and Applications, 11 (1), art. no. 211

18. Zhang N., Luo W., Wang L., Fan J., Wu W., Ren M., Zhang X., Cai W., Xu J.,Strong in-plane scattering of acoustic graphene plasmons by surface atomic steps,(2022) Nature Communications, 13 (1), art. no. 983

19. Zhang D., Chen Y., Gong S., Wu W., Cai W., Ren M., Ren X., Zhang S., Guo G., Xu J.,All-optical modulation of quantum states by nonlinear metasurface,(2022) Light: Science and Applications, 11 (1), art. no. 58

20. Wang S.L., Shan Y.D., Zheng D.H., Liu S.G., Bo F., Liu H.D., Kong Y.F., Xu J.J.,The real-time dynamic holographic display of LN:Bi,Mg crystals and defect-related electron mobility,(2022) Opto-Electronic Advances, 5 (12), art. no. 210135

21. Xia S., Kaltsas D., Song D., Komis I., Xu J., Szameit A., Buljan H., Makris K.G., Chen Z.Nonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states(2021) Science, 372 (6537), pp. 72 - 76

22. Gao B.F., Ren M.X., Wu W., Cai W., Xu J.J.Electro-optic lithium niobate metasurfaces(2021) Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 64 (4), art. no. 240362

23. Lu Y., Zhang Q., Wu Q., Chen Z., Liu X., Xu J.,Giant enhancement of THz-frequency optical nonlinearity by phonon polariton in ionic crystals,(2021) Nature Communications, 12 (1), art. no. 3183

24. Hu Z., Bongiovanni D., Jukić D., Jajtić E., Xia S., Song D., Xu J., Morandotti R., Buljan H., Chen Z.,Nonlinear control of photonic higher-order topological bound states in the continuum, (2021) Light: Science and Applications, 10 (1), art. no. 164

25. Liu J., Zhang D., Yu D., Ren M., Xu J.,Machine learning powered ellipsometry,(2021) Light: Science and Applications, 10 (1), art. no. 55

26. Zhang R., Yang C., Hao Z.Z., Jia D., Luo Q., Zheng D.H., Liu H.D., Yu X.Y., Gao F., Bo F., Kong Y.F., Zhang G.Q., Xu J.J.,Integrated lithium niobate single-mode lasers by the Vernier effect,(2021) Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 64 (9), art. no. 294216

27. Zhang P., Hu Y., Bongiovanni D., Li Z., Morandotti R., Chen Z., Xu J.,Unveiling the Link between Airy-like Self-Acceleration and Diametric Drive Acceleration,(2021) Physical Review Letters, 127 (8), art. no. 083901

28. Luo W., Kuzmenko A.B., Qi J., Zhang N., Wu W., Ren M., Zhang X., Cai W., Xu J.,Nanoinfrared Characterization of Bilayer Graphene Conductivity under Dual-Gate Tuning,(2021) Nano Letters, 21 (12), pp. 5151 - 5157

28. Liu, X., Xia, S., Jajtić, E., Song, D., Li, D., Tang, L., Leykam, D., Xu, J., Buljan, H., Chen, Z.Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities (2020) Nature Communications, 11 (1)1586.

30. Xia,   S., Jukić, D., Wang, N., Smirnova, D., Smirnov, L., Tang, L., Song,  D.,  Szameit, A., Leykam, D., Xu, J., Chen, Z., Buljan, H.Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology(2020) Light: Science and Applications, 9 (1) 147.

31. Zhang, P., Kang, Q., Pei, Y., Wang, Z., Hu, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, J.Unveiling chiral phase evolution in Rabi oscillations from a photonic setting(2020) Physical Review Letters, 125 (12), 123201 .

32. Fei XieMengxin Ren,Wei Wu, Dianqiang Yu,Wei Cai,and Jingjun XuPhase-Transition Optical Activity in Chiral MetamaterialsPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS125,237401 (2020)

33. Ren, M., Cai, W., Xu, J.Tailorable Dynamics in Nonlinear Optical Metasurfaces(2020) Advanced Materials, 32 (3), 1806317.

34. Kong, Y., Bo, F., Wang, W., Zheng, D., Liu, H., Zhang, G., Rupp, R., Xu, J.Recent Progress in Lithium Niobate: Optical Damage, Defect Simulation, and On-Chip Devices(2020) Advanced Materials, 32 (3), 1806452.

35. Chang, P.F., Cao, B.T., Huang, L.G., Li, J.W., Hu, Y., Gao, F., Zhang, W.D., Bo, F., Yu, X.Y., Zhang, G.Q., Xu, J.J.Polarization-modified Fano line shape spectrum with a single whispering gallery mode(2020) Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 63 (1), 214211.

36. Jia, P., Li, Z., Hu, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, J.Visualizing a Nonlinear Response in a Schrödinger Wave(2019) Physical Review Letters, 123 (23), 234101 .

37. Song, D., Leykam, D., Su, J., Liu, X., Tang, L., Liu, S., Zhao, J., Efremidis, N.K., Xu, J., Chen, Z.Valley Vortex States and Degeneracy Lifting via Photonic Higher-Band Excitation(2019) Physical Review Letters, 122 (12),123903.

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