教育经历2013/9-2018/7 北京大学 量子材料科学中心 博士2009/9-2013/7 四川大学 物理学基地班 学士
工作经历2024/1-至今 南开大学 皇冠网址
副教授2019/1-2023/12 加州大学河滨分校 电子工程系 博士后
研究方向 凝聚态物理理论:介观体系的量子输运、磁学、自旋电子学。目前研究兴趣集中在轴子绝缘体和动态轴子绝缘体的表征与应用,具有自旋构型的磁性绝缘体的自旋输运问题。
研究成果代表性成果: [1] Yu-Hang Li, and Ran Cheng, “Spin fluctuations in quantized transport of magnetic topological insulators”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (2), 026601 (2021). [2] Shuai Li, Ming Gong, Yu-Hang Li (co-corresponding author), Hua Jiang, and X. C. Xie, “High spin axion insulator”, Nat. Commun. 15, 4250(2024). [3] Yu-Hang Li, and Ran Cheng, “Identifying axion insulator by quantized magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic MnBi2Te4 tunnel junction”, Phys. Rev. Research 4 (2), L022067 (2022). [4] Xiaoxi Huang, Xianzhe Chen, Yuhang Li (co-first author, theory), et. al., “Manipulating chiral-spin transport with ferroelectric polarization”, Nature Materials (2024). [5] Bo Chen, Xiaoda Liu, Yuhang Li (co-first author, theory), et. al., “Evev-Odd Layer-Dependent Exchange Bias Effect in MnBi2Te4 Chern Insulator Devices”, arXiv:2404.03032. 学术报告: [1] 'Quantized magnetoelectric effect in antiferromagnetic MnBi2Te4 tunnel junction' (邀请报告),美国物理学会三月会议,2023.03.05-03-09,美国 拉斯维加斯 [2] 'Axion physics in condensed matter systems' (邀请报告), 凝聚态输运理论青年研讨会,2023.10.27-10.30,江苏南京 [3] 'From axion insulator to high spin axion insulator' (邀请报告),全国磁学理论会议,2024.06.07-06.09,四川成都 社会兼职教学经历荣誉称号 |