

Shibin Deng Associate professor



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Office Location: Boling Bd. west 303


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  • Address: NO.94 Weijin Rd


Peking University, Beijing, China 2009.9-2015.1
Ph.D., Advisor: Prof. Jin Zhang (张锦, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xiamen University, Xiamen, China 2005.9-2009.7
B.S., Advisor: Prof. Shigang Sun (孙世刚, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Nankai Univeristy, Tianjin, China 2023.7-present
Associate Professor
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 2016.12-2023.7
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Advisor: Prof. Libai Huang
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA 2016.2-2016.11
Post-Doctoral Researcher, Advisor: Prof. Jixin Cheng
Peking University, Beijing, China 2015.2-2015.10
Research Assistant, Advisor: Prof. Jin Zhang


Shibin Deng is currently an associate professor in Physics School of Nankai University. He received his B.S. degree from Xiamen niversity in 2009 and Ph.D. from Peking University in 2015. His research interest lies in investigating low dimensional semiconducting nanomaterials using imaging and spectroscopy methods including pump-probe microscopy, optical contrast, and Raman. He has published 24 SCI papers on journals including Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, 6 of which are selected as ESI “highly cited” papers. Total citation number is over 2000.

Research Fields

Ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy

Charge and energy transfer in low dimensional materials

High throughput optical imaging and spectroscopy

Quantum metrology and quantum device based on nanostructures


1.          Kumar, S.; Dunn, I.; Deng, S.;  Zhu, T.; Zhao, Q.; Williams, O.; Tempelaar, R.; Huang, L.; Exciton  annihilation in molecular aggregates suppressed through qu antum  interference.Nature Chemistry, 2023, 15, 1118-1126.

2.          Deng, S.;  Shi, E.; Yuan, L.; Jin, L.; Dou, L.; Huang, L., Long-Range Exciton  Transport and Slow Annihilation in Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskites. Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1), 664. (“2020 Top 50 in physis”)

3.          Guo, Y.; Shi, E.; Zhu, J.; Shen, P. C.; Wang, J.; Lin, Y.; Mao, Y.; Deng, S.;  Li, B.; Park, J. H.; Lu, A. Y.; Zhang, S.; Ji, Q.; Li, Z.; Qiu, C.;  Qiu, S.; Li, Q.; Dou, L.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Palacios, T.; Cao, A.;  Kong, J., Soft-Lock Drawing of Super-Aligned Carbon Nanotube Bundles for  Nanometer Electrical Contacts. Nature Nanotechnology, 2022, 17:278-284.

4.          Deng, S.;  Blach, D.; Jin, L.; Huang, L., Imaging Carrier Dynamics and Transport  in Hybrid Perovskites with Transient Absorption Microscopy. Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 1903781.

5.         Yuan, L.; Zheng, B.; Kunstmann, J.; Brumme, T.; Kuc, A.; Ma, C.; Deng, S.; Blach, D.; Pan, A.; Huang, L.,Nature Materials, 2020,19 (6), 617-623.

6.          Deng, S.;  Snaider, J. M.; Gao, Y.; Shi, E.; Jin, L.; Schaller, R. D.; Dou, L.;  Huang, L., Long-Lived Charge Separation in Two-dimensional  Ligand-Perovskite Heterostructures. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 152, 044711. (“Editor’s choice in 2020”)

7.         Shi, E.; Deng, S.;  Yuan, B.; Gao, Y.; Akriti; Yuan, L.; Davis, C. S.; Zemlyanov, D.; Yu,  Y.; Huang, L.; Dou, L., Extrinsic and Dynamic Edge States of  Two-Dimensional Lead Halide Perovskites. ACS Nano, 2019, 13 (2), 1635-1644.

8.          Gao, Y.; Shi, E.; Deng, S.;  Shiring, S. B.; Snaider, J. M.; Liang, C.; Yuan, B.; Song, R.; Janke,  S. M.; Liebman-Peláez, A.; Yoo, P.; Zeller, M.; Boudouris, B. W.; Liao,  P.; Zhu, C.; Blum, V.; Yu, Y.; Savoie, B. M.; Huang, L.; Dou, L.,  Molecular Engineering of Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites Quantum  Wells. Nature Chemistry, 2019, 11, 1151-1157.

9.          Zhang, S.; Kang, L.; Wang, X.; Tong, L.; Yang, L.; Wang, Z.; Qi, K.; Deng, S.;  Li, Q.; Bai, X.; Ding, F.; Zhang, J., Arrays of horizontal carbon  nanotubes of controlled chirality grown using designed catalysts. Nature, 2017, 543 (7644), 234-238.

10.        Kang, L.; Deng, S.;  Zhang, S.; Li, Q.; Zhang, J., Selective Growth of Subnanometer Diameter  Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays in Hydrogen-Free CVD. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138 (39), 12723-12726.

11.       Deng, S.;  Tang, J.; Kang, L.; Hu, Y.; Yao, F.; Zhao, Q.; Zhang, S.; Liu, K.;  Zhang, J., High-Throughput Determination of Statistical Structure  Information for Horizontal Carbon Nanotube Arrays by Optical Imaging. Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (10), 2018-23.

12.        Wang, J.; Deng, S.; Liu, Z.; Liu, Z., The rare two-dimensional materials with Dirac cones. National Science Review, 2015, 2 (1), 22-39.

13.        Deng, S.;  Xu, W.; Wang, J.; Ling, X.; Wu, J.; Xie, L.; Kong, J.; Dresselhaus, M.  S.; Zhang, J., Direct measurement of the Raman enhancement factor of  rhodamine 6G on graphene under resonant excitation. Nano Research, 2014, 7 (9), 1271-1279.

14.        Ling, X.; Huang, S.; Deng, S.;  Mao, N.; Kong, J.; Dresselhaus, M. S.; Zhang, J., Lighting up the Raman  signal of molecules in the vicinity of graphene related materials. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2015, 48 (7), 1862-70.

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