

【学术报告】Tips for Scholarly Publishing in ACS Journals


学 术 报 告


  目:Tips for Scholarly Publishing in ACS Journals

报告人:Prof. P. Shiv Halasyamani
 Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry, ACS




报告摘要:This presentation will provide tips on publishing in American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals. Included in this presentation is the selection of an appropriate ACS Journal, how a strong paper is constructed, how to avoid common pitfalls, and graphics. In addition, I will discuss the preparation of cover letter, selection of reviewers, and the submission process. Also discussed is what happens to the manuscript after submission, i.e. reviews and resubmission. I hope to describe to the audience in a more transparent manner how papers are published in ACS Journals.

报告人简介:P Shiv Halasyamani是美国休斯敦大学化学系全职教授,国际著名期刊Inorganic Chemistry副主编(IF = 4.850)。该刊为Nature Index期刊,位列中科院期刊分区小类1区。他曾担任Chem. Mater., Inorg. Chem., Mater. Res. Bull.J. Solid State Chem.等国际知名期刊的编辑顾问委员、副主编和客座编辑等,多次组织或应邀参加国际学术会议并做大会报告。曾获美国国家科学基金事业奖(NSF Career Award)、贝克曼青年研究员(Beckman Young Investigator)、埃克森美孚固态技能奖(ExxonMobil Solid State Faculty Award)等多个国内与国际奖项。Halasyamani教授的研究工作主要集中在极性功能材料的探索、合成及大尺寸晶体生长。


