

【学术报告】New (Deep-)UV NLO Materials: From Synthesis to Applications


学 术 报 告


  目:New (Deep-)UV NLO Materials: From Synthesis to Applications

报告人:Prof. P. Shiv Halasyamani
 Department of Chemistry, University of Houston, USA




报告摘要:Nonlinear optical (NLO) materials are critical in generating coherent light through frequency conversion, e.g., second harmonic generation (SHG). From the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR), NLO materials have expanded the range of the electromagnetic spectrum accessible by solid-state lasers. Wavelengths where NLO materials are still needed include the UV (200 – 400 nm) and deep UV (< 200 nm). Coherent deep-ultraviolet (DUV) light has a variety of technologically important uses including photolithography, atto-second pulse generation, and in advanced instrument development. Design strategies will be discussed, as well as synthetic methodologies. In addition, the crystal growth, characterization, and structure-property relationships in new UV and DUV NLO materials discovered in our laboratory will be presented. Finally, our crystal growth capabilities and recent crystal growth of functional materials will be described.

报告人简介:P. Shiv Halasyamani是美国休斯敦大学化学系全职教授,国际著名期刊Inorganic Chemistry副主编。他的研究工作主要集中在极性功能材料的探索、合成及大尺寸晶体生长。他在国际上首先提出使用易于产生二阶姜-泰勒效应(Second-Order Jahn-Teller Effect)的阳离子能极大提高材料结晶于非中心对称空间群的可能性,并且开创性地开展了基于二阶姜-泰勒效应的新型无机固态化合物的设计与合成的研究工作,进而进行大尺寸晶体生长及性质表征,通过理论计算研究和解释结构与性质的关系,发现了一系列优异的新型非线性光学晶体及压电晶体等。已在Chem. Soc. Rev. (IF = 40.443), Adv. Mater. (IF = 25.806), J. Am. Chem. Soc. (IF = 14.695), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (IF = 12.257) Nat. Commun. (IF = 11.878) 等重要刊物发表论文200余篇(ISI h-index = 50, Google Scholar h-index = 55),研究工作被引用8000余次。

