

【学术报告】Evolution equations for the B-meson distribution amplitudes



时    间:2019年6月26日(周三)下午3:00
地    点:三教301
报 告 人:姬尧 博士(University of Regensburg)

报告题目:Evolution equations for the B-meson distribution amplitudes
摘要:We present a comprehensive review of the B-meson light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDA). They are the nonlocal matrix elements that encode the onperturbative information in the B-meson charmless decays and are, therefore, crucial ingredients in the framework of QCD factorization.The LCDAs are commonly classified by the so-called twist quantum number as it indicates the relative importance of each DA in the decay process. We are going to firstly review the one-loop evolution of the higher twist DAs, then introduce several models for these DAs, and finally discuss the evolution equations of the leading twist DA at two-loop order. Properties of the two-loop evolution equation will also be addressed.