

【学术报告】Weyl Anomaly Induced Current and Holography




报告题目: Weyl Anomaly Induced Current and Holography


摘要: We show that when an external magnetic field parallel to the boundary is applied, Weyl anomaly give rises to a new anomalous current transport near the boundary. Similar to the Casimir effect, this transport phenomena has its origin in the effect of the boundary on the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum. The near-boundary current takes universal form for general quantum field theory (QFT) , which are covariant, gauge invariant, unitary and renormalizable. We verify the universal law of current by studying free QFT and holographic BCFT.  Here BCFT is the conformal field theory defined on a manifold with a boundary. Finally, we discuss the so-called divergence problem and energy problem of our results and show that how they can be resolved.

简历:2008年本科毕业于南开大学皇冠网址 ;2014年博士毕业于中国科学技术大学近代物理系;2014-2016德国马普引力物理研究所博士后;2016-2018台湾清华大学博士后。20185月加入中山大学。 研究兴趣主要集中在引力的量子信息起源(It from Qubit),带边界量子场论的物理性质及其全息对偶,目前已发表SCI论文20余篇。
