

【学术报告】Ab initio simulations of carrier dynamics for bulk defects and hybrid perovskite system


题目Ab initio simulations of carrier dynamics for bulk defects and hybrid perovskite system

报告人Lin-Wang Wang



Abstract text:

Carrier dynamics is important problem which determines the efficiency of electric optical devices and other ultrafast properties. In this talk, I will present some recent progress in using ab initio calculation methods to study the carrier dynamics in bulk defects hybrid perovskite system. The multi-phonon process will be simulated via the calculation of the electron-phonon coupling constants. A new algorithm is developed to calculate the coupling coefficient s efficiently. The non-radiative decay rate calculated in such a way agrees with experiment and can be used to explain the time optical spectroscopy. The carrier dynamics can also be studied using non-adiabatic molecular dynamics and rt-TDDFT. I will show how such simulations can be used to study various ultrafast processes and hot carrier relaxation, as well as electron mobility in the hybrid perovskite system.

About the lecturer:


汪林望教授在大尺度电子材料计算领域具有25年丰富经验。上世纪90年代,他开始了线性标度O(N)电子结构计算研究;与Alex Zunger教授合作,开发了折叠能谱方法,将非自洽电子结构计算的极限从100个原子的体系扩充到数千个原子的体系;他发展了一套linear combination of bulk bands(LCBB)方法用于计算半导体异质结的电子结构计算,能够模拟百万个原子的器件体系;他发展了generalized moments method,能够在不计算本征态的情况下获得体系的态密度和光学吸收谱;他发展了一套并行总能计算的平面波赝势程序PEtot;他开发了charge pat-ching method,能够实现数千原子体系的第一性原理精确计算;他开发了linear scaling threedimensional fragment method(LS3DF)方法,能够自洽计算数万个原子的电子性质。